Wednesday, March 23, 2011

summer lovin'

well it may not be summer YET, but i am looking forward to warm weather, lighter clothes and COLOR! me, the girl who can barely wear anything besides black from head to toe, is currently very tempted by vibrant colors - that never ending winter sure is affecting me *sigh* actually, i am craving rainbow color anything. aren't these just refreshing?

this candy stripes dress by Kate Spade is the sweetest thing. totally reminds me of Barbie's fashion!
 Leo's birthday coming soon, that would be an awesome way to wrap his presents. from oh happy day
maybe a little drawing on the sidewalk? with these rock-like crayons, hell yeah! see them here
a personal crochet project of mine in the works!
this cake! oh my! as seen here
 after that slice of pure yum, wash it all down with a cool drink using these straws from Etsy seller CupcakeSocial
and while it's still cold outside, maybe i can patiently wait for the warmer weather, all wrapped up in this beauty by Julie Alvarez

summer, please hurry up now mmmkay?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

the perfect craft room

i have big dreams for a tiny work space. at the moment, my craft corner is the most depressing thing. it's cluttered, lacks storage, and even though i try to keep it tidy, it always looks like a bomb went off in it after a day. i like to work on several projects at the same time, and need the space to let them all out until i can get back to them, and i think it's too much of a pain in the ass to put everything away after an intense crochet/sewing/whatever session only to have to get everything out a couple of days later. but like i said, i don't have that much space. so i need to come up with clever ideas to make it seems as though it's sorta clean even when it's not. what a challenge! i'm currently on the look out for the most inventive storage solutions available out there. i'm pretty sure i have to start out with this Expedit desk+bookshelf combo from Ikea
then, add a few organizers that are both practical AND pretty! like this desk caddy from Etsy seller, LessandMore
and this yarn bowl is amazing. SO clever! from TheMudPlace
i wouldn't mind having this in the bookshelf to help me keep my books straight. available here

a few baskets to keep the yarn at its place. aren't the colors just lovely? makes you want to create something right away! photo by Heather Bailey
these glass jars make perfect needle storage! from Viviana's craft room
looks like i have a lot of  work to do in order to... be able to do a lot of work!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

snotty little camper

the flu has hit hour house for the second time again this winter, and Leo is sickie. poor little dude. a lot of cuddles and tender loving care is in order! he still is his silly goofy self, though he gets cranky easier and wants to be held alot, which i don't mind because i just love squeezing him. (i have been feeling under the weather myself but i'm not complaining as i have to hold the fort haha.) hang in there my sweet little monkey!

Monday, March 7, 2011

black and white

i just got myself TWO new pair of black and white shoes *happy dance*

one pair of oxfords, from Brown's Shoes

and the other ones were basic white canevas from Payless that i turned into cute saddle shoes thanks to Miss James' diy tutorial

i love them so much! now if winter can please go the f*** away so i can step outside in my new shoes please? thanks!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

etsy treasury

my first treasury list ever! why did i waited so long? oh yeah, that's right, because i didn't know how to create one before (low tech kinda gal here, haha). there are so many good things on Etsy, why can't the moniez grow on trees? here it is, brown sugar!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

my heart skipped a beat for...

Lucy Kate. what a doll! found her through her parent's Flickr and holy moly is she a cutie. redhead bunny? summum of cute!

this big boy's room, featuring Aimée Wilder's robot wallpaper. i'd love to do something like that in Leo's room, the colors are amazing!

Jenny's new dining room set. probably the most amazing piece of furniture ever. she did an amazing reupholstering job, and best of all, did ya know she paid the whole thing $60? I KNOW!

this hex nuts bracelet tutorial. how clever!

a new twist on the old classic french manicure, courtesy of Yves St-Laurent. LOVE it!